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Production line Afsluitdijk 

KTB-Machinery, as a turn-key machine builder, together with sister company Consmema, both part of The Machinery Group, developed the plant, built all components and put it fully operational. The plant is currently running 24/7 and performing beyond expectations. The Machinery Group is proud of their contribution to the production facility. 

Levvel blocks are made in an automated carousel of more than one hundred steel moulds rotating in a fully continuous process. The moulds are filled with concrete and after the concrete has hardened, the products are removed. The empty moulds are inspected, cleared of cement residue and prepared for the next fillings. The plant uses over 100 moulds & 160 pallet wagons. One Levvel block is made about every nine minutes, a minimum of one hundred blocs per day. 

In September 2019, the Levvel-bloc factory was officially opened and after 2 years of production, the 55,000th block was produced. The plant will produce 75,000 Levvel concrete blocks for construction consortium Levvel to be used for cladding the Afsluitdijk, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Waterways and Public Works, Rijkswaterstaat. The 55,000th block means that production is nicely on track. A top achievement by the Levvel consortium. KTB Machinery and Consmema are proud of their contribution to this challenging project in all respects. The result is impressive. “A concrete factory as you expect a modern concrete factory to be,” says Johan Kooij (Director). 

Technical Specifications

Year  2019 
Project  Realization of production facility Levvel Blocs (2019-2020) 
Client  Construction consortium Levvel – BAM, Van Oord and Rebel 
Description  Temporary plant to produce 80,000 Levvel Blocs 
Scope  Main contractor, project management, concept and detail engineering, construction, automation, assembly, commissioning and service & maintenance 
Specific details  164 pallets, 107 moulds, 7min takt time & total 3 operators 
Do you have questions? Are you interested in what we can contribute to your project?
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Thomas ten Brinke | Technisch Directeur